FULL OF Flavour
The McCoy’s Story

We are McCoy's We believe in life with more flavour

We were born in 1985
We’re only in our thirties.
We’ve still got it. We’re still as flavoursome as the day we exploded into this world with a ridged

Everything McCoy’s creates is fully loaded with flavour. We go the extra mile to make the most irresistible tasting snacks you will EVER try; ensuring every bite is packed full of extra punch, lashing of pizzazz and the McCoy’s unmistakable

Our first born is the iconic McCoy’s ridged crisp, the number 1 ridged crisp on the market*. Not 2, not 7,

Mr/Mrs Crisp. We even invented a whole new cooking process to give our crisps that unmistakable crunch, their irresistible punch and enough thickness to pack in all the flavour.